Parul Wadhwa, DANM '18, proudly represented DANM during UC Graduate Research Day!
They were one of the two graduate students from UCSC invited by the Graduate Dean and Vice Provost Tyrus Miller for the University of California's annual Graduate Research Day, an advocacy event to share our research with the California legislature in Sacramento at the State Capitol Hill on Wednesday, March 21.
The purpose of the visit was to meet with legislators and to highlight for them the importance of graduate education and graduate research in the economy, culture, and society of the State of California. Each UC campus represented their research with two outstanding grad students, the graduate dean, and government relations officers.
The Graduate Dean along with State Government Relations Director Kieran Flaherty from UCSC accompanied the student to meet with Senator Ben Allen and UC President Janet Napolitano. The students were also able to share their research with Assembly members Anna Caballero, Mark Stone, Ash Kalra and other legislators and staffers.