Digital Arts and New Media: MFA: Collaboration, Innovation, Social Impact

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Professor micha cárdenas at Ruhr-Universität Bochum's Media Thought speaker series

Tuesday, June 14, 2022 - 9:00am

Professor micha cárdenas will be speaking about her recently released book, Poetic Operations at Ruhr-Universität Bochum's Media Thought speaker series on June 14th, 6pm Berlin time / 9am PST. 

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Dienstag, 14.06.2022 | MICHA CÁRDENAS (University of California Santa Cruz / USA)

Poetic Operations and Trans Ecologies

This talk will discuss cárdenas’ book Poetic Operations as well as her recent work in creating environmental artworks in Augmented Reality. In Poetic Operations artist and theorist micha cárdenas considers contemporary digital media, artwork, and poetry in order to articulate trans of color strategies for safety and survival. Drawing on decolonial theory, women of color feminism, media theory, and queer of color critique, cárdenas develops a method she calls algorithmic analysis. Understanding algorithms as sets of instructions designed to perform specific tasks (like a recipe), she breaks them into their component parts, called operations. By focusing on these operations, cárdenas identifies how trans and gender-non-conforming artists, especially artists of color, rewrite algorithms to counter violence and develop strategies for liberation.