Digital Arts and New Media: MFA: Collaboration, Innovation, Social Impact

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"Stop the Press!" - Digital Media in Live Performance (Spring 2009 - Winter 2010)


Full proposal: MS Word 72KB

For the 2009-10 Performative Technologies project, we will focus on the development of docudrama. This effort will concentrate on the organization of documentary materials into a cogent dramatic structure that will serve as the basis for the work we will subsequently build and perform. While we will make use of ordinary print documentation, we will pay specific attention to such digital documentation as online forums, chat rooms, and blogs; organizing and re-contextualizing them as performable dramatic material.


Through the three-quarter process, we are carrying the works from conception to scripting, to the design and integration of the digital media, to actual performance in such a way that the media not only supports the performances but motivates them from within.



Faculty: James Bierman, David Cuthbert, Kimberly Jannarone

DANM Students: Jessica Hayden, Kathleen Kralowec, Chris(Topher) Maraffi, Chris Molla, Leland Moriarty


poster for the performance