Digital Arts and New Media: MFA: Collaboration, Innovation, Social Impact

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M. James Becker: L’art du treillageur

M. James Becker - L'Art Du Treillageur, Artist Statement

Trellis has been used as a structure to support plant growth for thousands of years. Drawing from traditions of participatory performance, conceptual art, and social practice, L’art du Treillageur is a project that utilizes the trellis form as a historical and aesthetic reference for thinking through support structures relevant to our current moment.

The work engages participants in construction and reflection; supplied with materials mailed to them from the artist, participants build and document their own artworks while contributing their documentation and written reflections to a community archive. This archive is hosted online, with participants’ contributions housed in a sculptural installation.

This work continues to grow as a system of social and economic relations through subsequent works, additional collaborations, and social media presence.
