Winter - Fall 2019
Playable Media: Experimental Play 2019
Winter - Fall 2018
Art & Science: The Role of Sound in Integrating Art, Science, and the Environment
Socially Engaged Art: The Public Record and Interactive Documentary
Experimental Play: Games and Playable Media
Winter - Fall 2017
Mechatronics & Performative Technologies: monuments and entropy
Participatory Culture: the public record: expanded documentary, activism as affectivism
Playable Media: experimental play
Winter - Fall 2016
Mechatronics: The Role of Sound in Integrating Art, Science, and the Environment
Participatory Culture: the public record: expanded documentary, activism as affectivism
Performative Technologies: Odyssey 2016
Playable Media: Experimental Play 2016
Winter - Fall 2015
Mechatronics: OpenLab: Art+Science research
Participatory Culture: public records : new media documentary
Participatory Culture: The Force Majeure
Playable Media: Experimental Play
Winter - Fall 2014
Mechatronics: openLab: art+science research
Participatory Culture: public record : the documentary and politics research group
Participatory Culture: the force majeure
Performative Technologies: birth of stars
Playable Media: experimental play
Winter - Fall 2013
Mechatronics: OpenLab: Tangible User Interfaces for Interactive Art, Design, and Performance
Participatory Culture: The Force Majeure
Participatory Culture: Art and Globalization
Performative Technologies: The Gynt Project
Playable Media: Experimental Play
Winter - Fall 2012
Mechatronics: Tangible User Interfaces for Interactive Art & Design
Participatory Culture: Sierra Nevada: An Adaptation
Performative Technologies: Peer Gynt
Playable Media: Experimental Play
Winter-Fall 2011
Mechatronics: Innovation and Design for the Living Laboratory
Participatory Culture: Collaborative Artmaking from a Whole Systems Perspective
Performative Technologies: Designing and creating a media-rich interactive environment for theatrical or gallery showing
Playable Media: Playable Fictions
Spring 2010 - Winter 2011
Mechatronics: sonicSENSE
Performative Technologies: Digital Media in Live Performance
Playable Media: Playable Fictions
Software as Culture
Spring 2009 - Winter 2010
Mechatronics: sonicSENSE
Performative Technologies: "Stop the Press!" - Digital Media in Live Performance
Playable Media: Game Design
Social Cost Tracker
Spring 2008 - Winter 2009
Mechatronics: Methodologies in Bio-Art
Public Media: New Forms of Democratic Participation
Spring 2007 - Winter 2008
Performative Technologies: Performing with Digital Media: "Subject B"
Digital Inclusion: Creating Tools for Citizen Media Activists