Playable Media research explores the potential of computational systems for the creation of new media forms that invite and structure play.
This group works to understand and create new ways for computer games and related forms to engage audiences, make arguments, tell stories, and shape social space. Ongoing Playable Media work combines game design and artificial intelligence research with writing, art, and media authoring.
Prospective students are asked to identify their choice of research group in their application and statement of purpose. Admissions are tied to DANM project group foci. New students are admitted into a specific project group based on the quality and relevance of the student’s prior work and expertise to the group project in their chosen area of focus. Students collaborate on faculty initiated and directed research projects. This work is intended to provide the student with the opportunity to learn collaborative and practical research methodologies, and to participate in a professional level research project. The collaborative project group experience is intended to inform, but not necessarily contribute to, the student’s thesis project.
2016-17 Project: Experimental Play